
Star Wars Mini Films

Check these Lego Star Wars films out. They're REALLY funny!!



Alisha said...

I really like your blog honey! Looks great! Now you just need to get the word out to your friends and family so they can come and check it out.

carlen said...

wow! I'm impressed cameron. i'll tell tanner about your blog tomorrow morning. he is a huge fan of star wars and legos. Can't wait to see those clips. he doesn't have a blog yet, but we'll have to get him going on one. our family blog is "oursweetcrew.blogspot.com"

T-MAN said...

Cool blog, Cameron. I like voting on your surveys. And I watched the star wars lego video clips. I set up a blogspot, but I don't have anything on it yet. soon. tannersadventures.blogspot.com

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